Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

Well, it's been a while since my last wifing post, so here is a few goodies to keep you ticking (but not tocking, HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA).

Last week, I paid one of my regular visits to Heather late at night whilst she was sleeping. She was posed a series of questions, testing not only her intelligence, but also how smart she is and her IQ and if she is not dumb and if she is bright. If this ever gets made into a TV movie, I want Dan Ankroyd to play me and Tiffany Amber Theissen to play Heather. Jon Lovitz will play the portly chambermaid.

Alex: "What sound does a dinosaur make?"
Heather: "Moo."
Alex: "Do dinosaurs eat people?"
Heather: "I don't see why not."
Alex: "How old before they eat people?"
Heather: "About one."
Alex: "Are you grown up?"
Heather: "I think so."
Alex: How old were you when you grew up?"
Heather: "Seven... Can I go to the bathroom?"
Alex: "No, there's dinosaur's out there."
Heather: "I can handle them." (scurries to the bathroom in a stupor)

Then, a few nights ago, Heather was left sleeping on the couch with the TV on, one of her favorite little games because she knows I will have to come and rescue her to bed once I am ready to join her unconscious reality. So, I figured maybe I should experiment with my new camcorder a little. This is the result:

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