Friday, August 24, 2007

'Bout Time

So probably time for another post just to make sure I haven't abandoned this portal of uselessness. Here is a link to the top 100 sports beatdown's courtesy of ESPN:

It is a sportsman's article, check that, American sportsman's article. It's mostly baseball and college football, but some of the good ones, ie. hockey, (#92 baby) are also accompanied by video links: #65, #86, #61 (that's it, back to Winnipeg!), #32 (yeah, bitch).

And the one that is missing, very ominously, is one found in the comments:
"9 and 8 - Tiger Woods trouncing Stephen Ames in matchplay." I'm pretty sure Tiger told him on the first tee box: I'm going to make you my bitch.

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