Thursday, October 11, 2007

Brain Rot

Here are my results without cheating:
1: 29/33 (Blair gave me one)
2: 10/24
3: 8/20 (saw the answer to one accidentally on the net)
4: 10/18

I don't know why, but I'm having an internal struggle deciding whether to go on the net and get the answers for the rest. I hate cheating, yet I want to know the answers soooo bad. I've had these tests open on my PC for the last few days and I will periodically go back and get a few. But now I have to reboot the computer because it is as slow as Coulman and I'm going to lose my progress. It's actually kind of rotting my brain, maybe I should just get it over with.



Anonymous said...

wow. I think the test results show that contrary to what my university grades would have me believe, I'm actually profoundly retarded.

Anonymous said...

or drunk.